How to Cite a Chapter of a Book in the MLA Text

One of the crucial problems is how to in text cite a chapter in a book MLA. The issue of proper citing is of great importance for every academic work. Many students underestimate its importance. However, the practice shows that many grades get lost due to incorrect citing. Commonly, one should cite in MLA format. This is referred to informative sources in general, as well as one or several chapters. Therefore, one should learn how to cite a chapter in a book in text MLA.

The abbreviation MLA is recognized as Modern Language Association. This style is typical for the liberal arts and humanities. There is an important necessity to follow various bibliographic items. Commonly, these are the name of the author(s) and/or contributors, the title of the used literature, date of publication, the publisher, and the pagination. However, there might be some other elements.

At times, it’s demanded to quote certain parts out of a chapter of a book. Undoubtedly, the citing of a chapter or more in the custom book report writing has some peculiarities. Nonetheless, all elements and rules are followed in accordance with the MLA format. What are the main demands and elements? You are to mention the author, the certain chapter, publisher, year of publication, and the page or pages you quoted.

This is it. These obligations don’t severely differ from the common rules. Therefore, it would be easy to learn how to cite a specific chapter in a book MLA if you are already familiar with this style.

General MLA Citing Guidelines

In order to find out MLA how to cite a chapter in a book, it might be enough to simply know the general rules. The typical citing format is to name the author (possible contributors, editors or translators), title, the publisher, and publication date.

For instance, such format is supposed to look like this: Tolkien, John R. R. “Silmarillion,” HarperCollins Publishers, 2008. It is remarkable that this book was edited. Therefore, one should mention the editors as well. Remember that you aren’t supposed to name the city of publication unless the book was issued before 1900.

There is one more critical point which is worth your attention. A lot depends on the kind of the book or other publications. The number of authors, their absence, and other peculiarities affect the way it is expected to be cited. Consider definite cases. There might be a book with:

  • A single author
  • Many authors
  • Several books by the same writer
  • Corporate authors or organization
  • The books might also be:
  • Translated, republished and/or edited
  • Issued as an anthology and/or collection
  • Multivolume work etc.

Mind that there are some more kinds of books, journals, manuals, theses and other literature. They also have some peculiarities that you should know about.

Get the Professional Assistance at EssayVikings

In the occasion, you feel that you aren’t confident on how to make the proper citing, get our assistance. EssayVikings is a respectful partnership with many years of outstanding success. We are equal to cite instead of you. We do this professionally and appropriately. The determined effort of our specialists will satisfy all your requirements.

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